Seeking a new chairperson or co-chair for the new charity – MRB CIO!

Great news that as of 21st December we now have a registered charity, Moseley Road Baths CIO (charitable incorporated organisation) which will take on responsibility for running the baths.

We are seeking a chairperson or co-chair for Moseley Road Baths CIO to take forward the  community swimming venture as part of the future use and restoration of the whole building.

As you’ll know, our group of dedicated volunteers has been working together for the last two years to make this a reality. As we approach handover, the time is right to find a new chair to take it to the next level of its development.

We chose this picture to accompany our advert, because this venture is not about just an old building but about people, fun, and the continued ability of our families and neighbours to do what they love – keep swimming, stay active and learn about water safety at Moseley Road Baths.

Read more about the chair opportunity here.

Karen Leach

MRB CIO – registered charity no 1176432