‘Moseley Road Baths is the best of them all and it’s the most fabulous pool in the country that you can still swim in… Future generations won’t forgive us for leaving our heritage to deteriorate beyond repair.’
‘Moseley Road Baths is the best of them all and it’s the most fabulous pool in the country that you can still swim in… Future generations won’t forgive us for leaving our heritage to deteriorate beyond repair.’
We are pleased to invite you to this year’s ‘Memories and Memorabilia’ day. Please come and help us celebrate and don’t forget that we are eager to speak with people who want to share their own memories of the building! We welcome messages from anyone willing to get involved in helping to organise the event. Contact fofmrb@googlemail.com.
Moseley Road Baths 102nd Birthday celebration
Saturday, October 31st, 12:00-4:30pm
Moseley Road Methodist Church, Balsall Heath
The Friends of Moseley Road Baths (FofMRB) group is staging its second Memories and Memorabilia day to celebrate the 102nd birthday of Moseley Road Baths, one of Britain’s most historic and architecturally significant swimming baths.
The free event runs from 12:00-4:30pm on Saturday, October 31st, at Moseley Road Methodist Church, directly opposite the baths and will include:
Visitors will be encouraged to recount (and record) their own memories and bring along their own memorabilia for use in the three-year Pool of Memories project, for which the FofMRB recently submitted a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund.