Friends of Moseley Road Baths meeting, 6th April 2021 via Zoom
Present: Joe Holyoak (Chair), Rachel Gillies (Secretary and Minute Taker), Mark Gunton (Treasurer), Polly Feather, Janet Lewis, Viv Harrison, Damian Hursey
Apologies: Sarinder, Philippa, Raj, Zhor
1. Co-opting members
Viv Harrison and Philippa Webster have been co-opted onto the Committee.
2. Minutes of the AGM
Circulated and approved.
3. Future of the Friends of Moseley Road Baths
No need to replicate CIO’s work to promote the building, but we can work with them to complement what they are doing. Rachel in conversation with Social Media team.
We will seek to host an open day with a tour when allowed.
Membership model briefly discussed but not taken further at this point.
Need to maintain communication with the CIO – putting our minutes online will help, as will regular FoMRB meetings where CIO members can report back.
4. Steve Beauchampé Memorial
A panel to commemorate Steve Beauchampé will be displayed in the Baths – a draft was screen-shared during the meeting. It will be A2 size, some amendments will be made to the text. Rachel to look for images of Steve in the FoMRB archive. There may be an event in late June to mark Steve’s life. Any comments or amendments should be sent through to Joe Holyoak at by Friday 9th April.
5. Birmingham Heritage Week
We will make plans for a public event at Moseley Road Baths in September 2021. This also marks 15 years of the Friends of Moseley Road Baths. Joe to link with whoever is co-ordinating BHW this year.
6. Plants at Moseley Road Baths
The plants in the foyer have suffered during the most recent lockdown. Thanks to Polly and Carol for caring for plants over the past year. Viv to enquire about CIO capacity to maintain plant displays. FoMRB to discuss giving funds at next meeting. Members of the group are welcome to approach plant centres to seek donations – Rachel to provide letterhead.
7. Date of next meeting
Monday 10th May at 7:30pm via Teams. Rachel to circulate link in advance – do send agenda items through to her prior to the meeting.