Thank you all for your response to our campaign so far. We’ve had an impressive response which really highlights how passionately the public feel about the building as a swimming facility!
The Labour Party has now contacted to us as a result of our most recent campaign, clarifying their position on Moseley Road Baths (full text here). Whilst we welcome this, there are still a number of issues we feel have not been addressed (this is equally true of other political groups in the city and other councillors in the Hall Green Constituency). We will be taking these up with local councillors and candidates and would urge others to continue to lobby. You may wish to include some of these points in your own correspondence.
- Your position makes no mention of swimming. Please can you clarify your position on Moseley Road Baths as a swimming facility?
- You tell us we need to ‘all engage constructively’ even though we are only just being given information about the Labour Party’s position in response to our campaign with an election looming. We are a visible, vocal campaign group yet you have not engaged with us so far. Given such an appalling track record of consulting with the public and engaging with The Friends of Moseley Road Baths, can you give us a concrete idea of what ‘engaging constructively’ looks like? How will pool users and local residents be consulted and kept informed?
- The last Constituency meeting in January 2012 voted to draw up an options appraisal on the future of the building. Surely deciding to put the Baths into Corporate control preempts this? You have declared and voted on one thing in public yet intend to do something else.
- Moseley Road Baths are already ‘under central’ in terms of capital provision and refurbishment. Provision of a swimming facility for the local community and its day-to-day running and maintenance are the responsibility of the constituency. This is so for all the constituencies, together with an annual amount from centre towards these. Refurbishment works are capital works and are already under the centre.
- Birmingham City Council does have a Heritage Strategy in place, (BCC Heritage Strategy 2007-12.pdf) , and a Heritage Steering Group, and an application for national Heritage Lottery funding is scheduled for Moseley Road Baths this April. Will you commit to backing the HLF bid which is currently being developed?
- The running of Birmingham’s Sport and Leisure facilities is currently out to tender yet you make no mention of this in your statement. How does this fit in with your position?
- You seem to want to put emphasis on the actions of the current administration. We fail to see the value of this beyond party politics. This is an unnecessary distraction and we refuse to be drawn into it. We take the actions of political groups and councillors on their own merit.
Friends of Moseley Road Baths
20th February 2012