Lifeguard training for the Shoals

The Moseley Shoals are of course happy to be back in the pool – and have found a way of lessening their costs:  they are doing their own lifeguarding for their sessions.  At present they only have four people they can call on so they have arranged a week’s course at the Baths, starting Monday 21st May, 9am to 5pm.  This is a course to make you a fully trained, employable lifeguard.  They have spare places on this course.

Moseley Shoals logo

If you want to train and can subsequently also offer to lifeguard occasionally for the Shoal sessions then the training is free.

If you just want to train and not lifeguard for them, they will ask for a contribution of half the cost, £250.

Contact can be made via Shoals’ website or phone 0121 346 1522.
If you know of anyone who may be interested, please pass this on to them.

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