Minutes of meeting – 10th May 2021

The Friends of Moseley Road Baths meeting minutes – Monday 10th May 2021, 7.30pm, via Teams

Present: Joe (Chair), Rachel (Secretary), Mark (Treasurer), Polly, Viv, Janet, Philippa

Apologies: Damian

Minutes: Rachel

1. Minutes of the meeting of 6th April

Circulated prior to the meeting.  Approved, matters arising to be covered in this meeting.

2. Report back from CIO

  • Reopened on 4th May following some technical issues
  • More morning lane swimming happening, Shoals and Diamond Swimming Academy are back.
  • No Aquarobics happening yet, Adult lessons not yet resumed. 
  • Schools not yet back but hoped that they will begin to return.
  • Swim Academy lessons starting a year after intended, will expand after half term.
  • Gala Pool is available for hire (dependent on the activity).
  • Emily Butler now in post focusing on wellbeing on demand sessions (Drum n Bounce, Yoga, Children’s Yoga, Breathing Project) this will then develop into in-person, paid activities.
  • Next stage of repairs is imminent and will focus on repairing and clearing the front elevation of the building.  Repair work will also be done on the Money-Taker’s flat and Committee Room on the first floor.

3. Questions to the CIO

  • Insurance cover for tours?
  • Can we be Included on mailouts to CIO volunteers?
  • Clarity on callouts for invigilators for Specular Reflecular.
  • Protocol for plant care to be discussed.

4. 2021 Birmingham Heritage Week – 9th-19th September

Joe has informed BHW organisers that we are interested in running an event for BHW. Proposal for an Open Day with tours on Sunday 12th September.  Consideration of Insurance (could come under CIO insurance?).  Focus on tours, selling books and merchandise and recruiting new members.  Possibility of tours for local school pupils during the week.

5. Communications: inclusion in CIO mailings

FoMRB to have monthly agenda items ‘Report back from CIO’ and ‘Questions to the CIO’.  Any questions will be minuted and sent to Kat Pearson, to be taken forward to CIO meetings which take place on the second Thursday of each month.  Answers will be sent through to Rachel as Secretary and fed back into FoMRB meetings.  Friends request to also be added to the CIO mailing list.

6. Steve Beauchampe memorial

A2 panel to be printed and framed to be displayed in the Tearoom, CIO to cover the costs.  We will xo-ordinate the unveiling and a celebratory event with Steve’s friends and family and with Emily Butler at the CIO (who is already co-ordinating with Steve’s friend on this).  FoMRB members encouraged to write a short blogpost with their memories of Steve for https://moseleyroadbaths.org.uk/.

7. Plants at the Baths

Donations of houseplants welcomed.  Issue with plant care being inconsistent.  Joe to raise the issue with the CIO and Polly to draft a protocol to emphasise that the Friends, not CIO staff or volunteers, maintain the plants at present.  Philippa to create labels for plants.

8. Neighbourhood News Online

Rachel plans to host a monthly ‘What’s Happening in Balsall Heath’ online gathering for local organisations to share their news and events for inclusion on www.neighbourhoodnewsonline.com.  This helps lay the groundwork for future Neighbourhood Council plans. Request that FoMRB is represented at this, but further information to follow next month.

9. Date of the next meeting

14th June 2021 at 7:30pm via Teams. E-mail contact@friendsofmrb.co.uk if you wish to attend.