Volunteer during Fierce Festival

We have a great programme of events happening at the Baths over the coming week. Be a part of it! If you can help out then please e-mail events@friendsofmrb.co.uk
Are there any member/supporters who are willing to help out on the following dates and times?
THURSDAY 9th OCTOBER – 1:30pm until 8pm
SATURDAY 11th OCTOBER – 1pm until 4:30pm
SUNDAY 12th OCTOBER – 8am until 12:30pm
We are not expecting anyone to cover the complete days, but a couple of hours within these time scales would be greatly appreciated.
We are aiming to have a stall at the Baths over the 4 days (Thursday – Sunday) with books, postcards and campaign material available.
If you can help in any way, please come along to Ort Cafe at 2pm on Sunday and meet the people involved in this unique occasion.

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